Saturday, August 25, 2007

real, honest to god, bread [8/23/2007]

Tonight I discovered something amazing at the Pine supermarket: wheat bread!!

See, one of the frustrating things about living out in the styx is that our local supermarket, while offering a pretty good range of items that one would need, isn't the most well-stocked place in the world.  To wit: they had a number of refill packets for a toilet scrubber but were out of stock of the scrubber itself for two weeks.  They recently restocked on Monday, and there was much rejoicing.

But to return to the primary focus of my email... bread that is not white!  I was amazed!  To be honest I was also a little skeptical, since I had seen anything besides super-bleached white bread anywhere.  I suppose the little filled breakfast rolls would be an exception, but they more sweets than bread so I'm not going to count it.

I hadn't seen this bread stocked before but that is not overly surprising considering the hours that I generally visited the supermarket, i.e. 5pm and later.  My first clue were the stalks of grain on the outside of the packaging, and although I couldn't read what the package said I was filled with hope.  At last, something substantial!  I moved in for a closer look, and lo! the bread was not bleached!  That was enough for me, and I snatched it up before continuing on my rounds.

Speaking of the packaging, bread is very strange here.  I have only seen loaves of bread sold pre-sliced and only in packs of 3, 5, or 6, with the exception of a few smallish french-type breads.  The wheat bread that I found is sold in a three-pack.  The slices themselves are also quite thick.  I don't understand it, but really that's just adding to the list.  Check it out.

It's not the most amazing wheat bread that I've ever had but it smells right and it's way better than the mushy, Wonder Bread-looking, nutritional wasteland that I was eating previously.

with wheaty, yeast-induced future love,

ps: i also found these little snack crisps tonight that taste EXACTLY like corn on the cob with butter and salt. hand to god. i have no idea how they did it, but it's wonderful.

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