There have been a few times when I've overestimated the capacity of my wonderful basket and I've had to tie some grocery bags around the handle bars, but that really isn't too bad. I think the first possibly unwise thing I attempted was this:

Minus the clipboard and general paper supplies obviously, but still pretty tricky. Obviously my basket was full of groceries too, because I certainly would not waste a trip all the way up the hill to Pine and not come home with everything that I could.
Just today I also managed a pretty good trip after picking up my dry cleaning (and groceries as well, of course).

I was originally going to ask Naritomi-sensei if she could help me out and just drive me to Pine so that I wouldn't have to walk or try to cart it home on my bike, but then she wasn't around so I figured, what the hell? Go big or go home, right? And I made it without a hitch, too. On the way out of Pine I ran into Dino and Jyoti too, driving by in their car, and so I stopped to talk to them a little bit. I said that I was looking forward to getting a car so that I wouldn't have to do all this crazy cartage and they said that I looked "mad local" with all the stuff I was carrying.
I gotta say, the fact that I'm riding home with this stuff balanced on my bike is pretty fun and something that I take some strange pride in. Oh! This feeling is increased by the ridiculous curve / hill that I have to go down on the way home to my house. I don't really have any decent picture of it right now, but trust me it's pretty wicked, such that I apply my (ridiculously squeaky) brakes all the way down in order to not bite it big time into one of the rain gutters. Man I love bikes.
balanced biking love FROM THE FUTURE,
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