Actually, I've had my bike for about a week and a half. I had gone with Yamaguchi-san to check out the bike that they gave Will, my predecessor, when he got here two years ago. Unfortunately, Will never used the bike and so it just sat outside, accumulating rust and losing air. They asked if me if I would use it if they fixed it up, but instead of fixing it up they just gave me a different one! A better one, to be more precise.
I actually found out where the bike came from this past weekend when I met Haruka, one of Naritomi-sensei's former students. It seems that her father is Nakashima-san, one of the BOE people that helped her out, and that when Haruka gave her old bike to her grandmother, the BOE gave her grandmother's old bike to me.
One of these days I'm going to be coming down the wicked hill / curve from Pine (the supermarket) all loaded up with groceries and I'm just gonna wipe out and bite it into one of the rain gutters or something. I basically have to break the whole way down this hill. But maybe if I managed to keep it under control with my basket full and a set of plastic drawers clutched between my wrists then perhaps I'll be okay.
I also picked up a sick Felix the Cat! sticker in Sasebo the other weekend in order to make the bike a little more distinctively mine. Perhaps I'll simply name my bike "Felix", on account of the sticker and the fact that it does in fact make me quite happy to be riding it around all over Oshima (how's your latin?). Any other name suggestions are more than welcome though. Pictures of the bike and decal over at the flickr.
Eric and Sean, I'm keeping the bike gang alive over here in Japan! I just gotta take it to the shop soon to really get her (er, him?) really into shape.
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