Thursday, April 24, 2008

goooooooooaaaaaaaaal [2008.04.24]

Today was BEAUTIFUL.

Really I could just end this there and it would be a pretty accurate characterization of the overall theme of the day, but I might as well expand on things a little.

Today was a sort of field / recreation day for all of the Oshima / Sakito schools.  Yep, all of them.  We were all supposed to be together, but for some reason it ended up just being the junior high, East Elementary, and the kindergarten being in one place, with the other schools off in other locations.  Maybe it had something to do with the crazy heavy rain yesterday, but I don't really know.

The day's festivities started out at each individual school, so I can only comment on the junior high.  Everyone assembled on the school's field for the opening business, and then it was a big hunt for 100 or so little cards that the student council had hidden around the grounds.  After that the cards were collected and we all set off for Wakkodo no Mori (maybe I spelled that right?), which means something like Young People's Forest and consists of some sports fields and a small mountain / big hill looking out over the ocean.  The park itself would have been enough but we were surrounded by hills covered in trees filled to the top with all sorts of green leaves.  A couple times I just stopped and looked around to take everything in.

It was maybe a few kilometers to the park (after the beach but before the high school, for the five or six people that know what that means), and it didn't take us very long to get there.  Once we arrived, everyone assembled once more before the chaos was unleashed.  Myself, I went straight for the soccer field.

Basically, with the exception of the time specifically allotted for lunch, we were constantly playing soccer.  We were there for four hours.  It was phenomenal.  We had representatives from all three years of junior high school as well as a couple elementary school kids.  This does not include all of the random kids that would run across the field in the course of their own games.  As far as teachers go and in addition to myself we had Nakayama-sensei, Nakamura-sensei, Hayashi-sensei, and Nagano-sensei, so it was a pretty ridiculous array of players.  The field got a little crowded, but it was wonderful.

I only stepped out for a bit to go play with the kindergarteners, partly because I want to get a lot of face time with the new kids to make them comfortable, but also just because I love them and they are adorable.  Mostly we played what amounts to a variant of Red Rover (with added Rock Paper Scissors), but a couple kids challenged me to sumo as well.  Like I said, they are adorable.

Now of course though we are all tired and thinking that maybe Friday would have been a better day for the outing, especially because you can't have a big school event without having a celebratory party that evening.  So, we're not quite done yet.  Since it is only Thursday though, there probably won't be any second or third outings after the main event...

So the recap: tired and sunburned after a day chock full of running around and playing with some great kids.  I told you it was beautiful, right?

ridiculous mexican soccer announcer future love,


ps: but oh MAN i had no idea how badly i got sunburned until i got home.  maybe it's the lower latitude?..

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